C4ljp2021/global session」を編集中

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最新版 編集中の文章
36行目: 36行目:
In this presentation, we will analyze the situation of Japanese public libraries during the COVID-19 epidemic, which was revealed from the archived data obtained through this survey. This presentation will include the results of the survey until 2021.
In this presentation, we will analyze the situation of Japanese public libraries during the COVID-19 epidemic, which was revealed from the archived data obtained through this survey. This presentation will include the results of the survey until 2021.

===<span id="g02">Maplat - Map application platform that utilizes historical maps and cultural assets(Otsuka, Kohei)</span>===
===<span id="g02">「Maplat - Map application platform that utilizes historical maps and cultural assets」(Kohei Otsuka)</span>===

I will introduce Maplat, an open source platform that allows historical maps to be used in conjunction with accurate maps without damaging their own beauty and context.
I will introduce Maplat, an open source platform that allows historical maps to be used in conjunction with accurate maps without damaging their own beauty and context.
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